san clemente • cajulie irene


Don’t Miss the Moment

Every family has their own unique story to tell. As the holiday season approaches, there’s a rush to capture these tales, ensuring they stand still in time. If you’ve been considering a family portrait session for your family this year, this might be your last chance. Don’t miss the opportunity to capture these moments, because they are fleeting and always evolving over the years.

Limited Spots, Unlimited Memories

Time waits for no one, and neither do our limited portrait dates. As of now, there are very few spots to get your portraits back in time for your holiday cards and gifts. The holiday season is one of reflection, joy, and sharing moments with loved ones. Many families love to share their portraits on holiday cards, a warm way to send season’s greetings. To ensure you have your gorgeous portraits in hand and ready for your holiday cards, all sessions need to be completed by November 19th.

The Last Golden Hour at the Beach

There’s something truly magical about the beach. The way the golden sun sets on the horizon, the tranquil sound of waves, and the playful dance of sand beneath the feet—it’s no wonder beach sessions are some of my clients’ favorite. If you’ve been dreaming of that perfect beach portrait with your loved ones, here’s your chance. There’s only ONE beach session slot remaining in October. Will you be the lucky family to claim it?

Life is made up of fleeting moments, and every second counts. This holiday season, let’s make your memories count. Secure your spot on my calendar before this year slips us by!

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Julie Irene Photography captures maternity, newborns babies, family, fine art and headshots in Orange County

san clemente, ca


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